Website Partner for Brand Designers

Oh hey, hello. You found us – the website partner you've been dreaming of.

the web dev yin to your designer yang

It can feel impossible to find dependable people you trust to provide services for your clients.

Whether it’s through a white-label agreement or you give your stamp of approval, it’s your reputation on the line.

What if they deliver bad work? What if they ghost you? Or even WORSE, what if they have bad, non-transparent communication or push timelines at the last minute? At the end of the day, who you choose to partner with represents you – so it’s imperative you make the right choice.

A damn big breath of fresh air, knowing your web developer cares about your client as much as you do.

Whether you need a developer to bring your designs to life with pixel perfection or you are excited for us to apply your beautiful brand design to a kick-ass web design that converts visitors, we have got you covered.

With years of project management experience, a deep empathy for business owners, and a pure joy for building – you can trust your stamp is in good hands.

Oh hey, hello. We are the website partner you've been dreaming of.


Website Partner for Brand Designers


Client experience > everything

As the daughter of lifelong business owners, the idea of letting a client down truly gives me a gut ache. The idea of delivering a confusing email or document to a client? Barf. I will do whatever it takes to make sure clients are happy. That they feel heard, and that they are proud to share their website with their customers and community.

I will never be satisfied with a half assed client experience or a client that isn’t ECSTATIC about what we’ve built for them.

You f*cking love your craft.

I get absolutely lost in building websites, this is the god-honest truth lol.  if I could build all day everyday I absolutely would. I’m obsessed with pixel perfection, obsessed with the exact right amount of margins and padding, deeply passionate about smooth hovers, micro animations, and slight but oh-so-good scroll animations.

It truly brings me joy and if I can partner with people that also do what they love – well, that’s the dream.

Proof is in the pudding

"Brooke's warm and engaging personality, coupled with her prompt responsiveness and helpfulness, is matched only by her consistently high work standards."

As a designer and developer, she combines professionalism with a service-oriented approach. Brooke not only analyses the scope of the project but takes on challenges, providing valuable advice to ensure the best possible output.

Agnese Spona

Learning Designer & Founder at Think Ness
"She is very thorough in the follow up process to ensure everything is working correctly and expectations are met."

This will be our third time working with Brooke. She is always great at distilling our direction, scope and creating a clear action plan, with set dates and milestones. Doesn't hurt she's easy to work with as well!

Aaron Prosser

"Before working with Brooke, our former website developer was unresponsive. Brooke is been friendly, responsive, and always completes projects on time."

Devin Jackson

Owner of Jackson Civil, Civil Engineering

"She's got a GREAT sense of style, very knowledgeable about the technical intricacies and amazing work ethic. Couldn't be a better choice. "

Fay Grande & David Morris

Owners of Grande Morris, Casting Agency

the nitty gritty

Frequently Asked Questions about logistics, tools, pricing and more.


Do you design the website or do I?

Either! There are two ways to partner:

1. You design the website, and I build it. I LOVE bringing designs to life exactly as you imagine them.

2.  I design the website based on your branding guidelines.

When you build out someone's designs, is it good enough if some of the spacing or text sizes is just a little bit off?

Hell. No. As a designer I understand the importance every pixel has at every screen size. If you say it's a pixel off, it's a pixel off and we fix it.

I want my clients to have the most custom, graphically designed, never been seen before website – is this a good fit?

If you are designing, absolutely. I love pushing my knowledge of web development and I can't wait to make the website you design a reality.

If I am the one designing – probably not. I am obsessed with an aesthetically pleasing website, and prioritize usability over "never-been-seen-before".

My style leans towards clean, professional and easy to use. You can see tons of examples in my portfolio.


What website platforms do you build on?

Webflow, Shopify and Squarespace.

My main choice is always Webflow. It gives me the flexibility to build exactly what I want, with an easy to use client experience so they never feel stuck when editing content or images.

If I'm working with is an e-commerce business, I will always go with Shopify. The tools are unbeatable for selling physical items online IMO.

If the client wants to build pages and heavily DIY in the future, and they just want something they can jump in, make pages and copy sections quickly and easily I’ll go with Squarespace.

Do you build websites on Wordpress?


lol ok so I will jump into existing wordpress websites and help you fix or address issues but I will never build a wordpress website from scratch.

I have never once been in a Wordpress instance that wasn’t confusing, clunky, and hard to use. I’ve work with SO many clients that had Wordpress websites and could never figure out how to do basic content updates. To me I would not be doing my job well if I provided that experience to the people who trust me.

ALSO the idea that you need to be updating plugins forever until eternity is just really wild to me, and unnecessary. You are beholden to pay a website developer until the end of time or you end up with an out of date un-updatable website.

Ok rant over lol but really, I do not like it or recommend it for businesses haha.


Do you manage the client, or do I?

Both are options!

Scenario 1: You are my main point of contact throughout the project, and manage majority of client communications – looping me in when I'm needed. This can be an intro call, or to handle any technical convos etc. In this scenario, I follow your normal project process regarding timelines, milestones, etc.

Scenario 2: You intro me to the client, and I take them through my project process. I take full responsibility of client communications, keeping you in the loop along the way. In this scenario I would take clients through my "Build Week" process.

How quickly can you start?

Usually within 1 month!

How long does it take you to build a website?

I run a "Build Week" process. This means I do all the prep work ahead of time, and schedule a "Build Week" (sometimes two-weeks depending on the size of the project) and I am 100% focused on that project.

This essentially means I do the actual building of the websites in as little as one week.

All of this is schedule dependent of course so when a new project kicks off I let you know then when the next "Build Week" is available.

Currently I have about anywhere between a 1 - 2 month lead time.

Website in a week? How can you possible build a quality website in that time?

I'd say preparation and experience – and of course flexibility.

I prepare custom onboarding docs for each client that is in Question & Answer format. This ends up feeling like a lighter lift to clients because they are just talking about their business :) vs deliver formatted content ahead of time.

I created Google Drive folders so they can deliver photography, branding assets, and any miscellaneous docs that I can use to get as much context as possible.

I ask questions from main CTA, do they have the domain (and where it lives), details about their audiences, key differentiators, etc.

For building I utilize libraries, templates, and built in add-ons when it makes sense. There are so many assets available to us to give clients exactly what they want in a much quicker timeline than before, and I love trying out new tools.

After 13 years I'm confident in my ability to deliver a high quality website that exceeds client expectations, and my ability to listen to what's important to the client, and communicate efficiently.

The goal of the "Build Week" process is never to feel rushed, if for whatever reason a timeline needs to be pushed – even if it's just to give the client some time to sit with it I will adjust accordingly.

My clients have loved not having a 3 month project, with weekly meetings picking up where they left off, and fluff meetings that fill their day.

What's an example of how a "Build Week" goes down?

Day 1:
Kick Off Call to review prep work, EOD Deliver Homepage and Main Nav (desktop)

At the end of every day, I send a loom video showing exactly what's been done – and giving the client specific direction on what to give feedback on.

They can provide feedback via email, Google Doc, custom booking link to grab 30 minutes on my calendar, text, voice note etc. I mold to what's easiest for them.

Day 2:
Review + Implement Feedback, EOD Deliver Service / Products list and detail pages, Blog. Whatever the main content areas of the website are. (desktop)

Day 3:
Review + Implement Feedback, EOD Deliver Mobile designs + secondary pages (About, Book a Call)

Day 4:
Review + Implement Feedback, Finalize Mobile, Add Content (all week I am doing desktop and mobile reviews making continuous improvements).

Day 5:
Launch list (everything that needs to be done to make a site launch ready), and Website Review Call

Is the "Build Week" process a great fit for every client?

No, not everyone. If your clients want to be very involved in the design process, have 3 concepts to choose from, and are hoping for a deep, extensive process where they are heavily involved in each decision, it's not for them.

The "Build Week" process is for clients that trust us in our craft, and are willing to hand over the bulk of the work to us. I work with a lot of business owners that want to hand it off to someone they trust to get the job done and that hits their goals.

How do you address copywriting?

9 out of 10 times I’m building an updated version of an old website. I take copy from there, and give my recommendations for headlines (h1, h2) and formatting. Outside of that the client is responsible for final copy and I will manage adding content to the website until launch. I provide an easy to use google sheet to manage this process that my clients have really loved.

Depending on the client and the industry, if tone of voice and copywriting is high priority we either provide this as a service in house or have experts we partner with. This would be an additional cost.

Will you work under an NDA?

Yes, absolutely. This will be an additional cost.

Your pixels deserve perfection
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